Neck Lift Alternatives
Understanding Submental Liposuction
Liposuction of the neck (submental liposuction) can be performed as a stand-alone procedure to correct a double chin in patients under the age of 40 with good skin elasticity. This procedure removes fat from under the skin and helps contour the jawline. This is reserved for those under the age of 40 due to a lack of skin laxity in this population. After the age of 40, some form of skin tightening must be done to prevent a sagging appearance of the neck. This can be done via a neck lift where the muscle is tightened and excess skin is removed or via skin tightening devices such as FaceTite or Morpheus8. Your surgeon at Chevy Chase Face will be able to assess your skin at your consultation and suggest the best possible approach to fit your goals.
If you are a candidate for neck liposuction as an independent procedure, this can easily be done in the office under local anesthesia. After you are completely numb, your surgeon will use one to three small sites to contour the fat in the neck and jawline. Downtime is very minimal and involves a few days of wearing a compressive garment to reduce swelling and bruising.
Liposuction vs. Kybella
Your surgeon may suggest liposuction instead of Kybella for multiple reasons:
- Kybella requires multiple treatment sessions (three to four on average), whereas liposuction is done in one sitting.
- The recovery is faster. This is difficult to believe since Kybella is an injectable, but the swelling, redness, and pain after Kybella injections are significantly worse than the typical recovery for liposuction.
- Liposuction is more precise and powerful than Kybella.