Patients who are unhappy with their appearance due to a double chin cannot simply change their diet or hop on a treadmill and hope for the best. You might have to stick to a rigid diet and exercise program for years at a time to start burning fat cells around your neck, and that is too long to wait for many people. Kybella® has become one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world for those who want to quickly and safely get rid of their double chin.

When Diet and Exercise Aren't Enough

It is an unfortunate fact that patients cannot target specific pockets of fat with certain exercises. For stubborn fat just below the chin, a patient might have to lose an incredible amount of weight before they see any changes to their neck and face. In some cases, even extremely thin people will struggle with a double chin later on in life. These are just a few of the reasons that many patients have turned to cosmetic treatments to sculpt their face and rebuild their confidence.

Surgery Isn't Your Only Option

On average, patients can expect 10 to 20 days of recovery time for any procedure involving incisions around their face and neck. If you happen to share these concerns, then you might want to start exploring your options for non-surgical treatments like Kybella®.

A Look at Kybella® Injections

Kybella® is one of the newest FDA-approved injectables on the market. Unlike other injectables that can be used throughout the body, Kybella® was specifically designed to burn fat cells just below the chin. The unique substance in Kybella® works by affecting the walls of fat cells while leaving the rest of the soft tissue untouched. Within a few weeks, the fat cells will become so weak that the patient's body will begin to break them down and metabolize them.

What to Expect

Kybella® injections have absolutely no recovery time. Depending on your needs, you may need several injections in a single sitting. After the treatment is over, you can head right back to work or your other daily activities. Due to the fact that the fat cells are completely eliminated, most patients will enjoy their toned new appearance for the rest of their lives as long as they stick to a healthy diet and exercise program. Schedule Your Appointment Today Serving the Washington DC area, Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery proudly offers Kybella® injections as a non-surgical way to eliminate your double chin. This simple and effective option could be just right for you. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment and finally say goodbye to that unsightly double chin.

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