Have you ever deleted a picture on social media because you didn’t like the way you looked? Photographs are important because they can allow you to relive some of the best moments of your life. However, there are many people that don’t feel happy about the way they look in pictures. A double chin is one of the most common reasons people avoid being in front of a camera. If you are tired of missing out on the memories because you don’t like pictures of yourself, it may be time to consider Kybella treatments. Kybella is an injectable that can reduce fat in a targeted area and improve the contour of your chin and jawline.  At Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery, we see the beauty in all of our patients. We also understand that everyone needs a boost of confidence sometimes. Kybella may be the boost that you need to feel great about yourself. 

How to Get Rid of a Double Chin

Maybe you have already been trying to get rid of your double chin for many years. This is the story of many of our patients. However, regardless of the hours spent doing facial exercises or following strict diets, submental fullness (fat under the chin) can persist. Because spot reduction isn’t backed by evidence, weight loss or targeted exercises often aren’t enough to reduce the double chin. This is especially true for individuals who are predisposed to having fat in this area. If you are already at a healthy weight but are wondering how to get rid of a stubborn double chin, treatments such as Kybella may be the only way to specifically target your submental area.

What Is Kybella? 

Kybella is an injection of deoxycholic acid that is specifically formulated to eliminate fat in the submental area. Kybella is biocompatible because deoxycholic acid is already found in the body. Your digestive system uses it to break down dietary fat. When this acid comes into contact with a fat cell, it destroys the lining of the cell. The process is the same when we inject Kybella under the chin. When this synthetic form of deoxycholic acid comes into contact with those stubborn fat cells, the substance will break down the lining of the fat cells. During one treatment, an average of 25% of fat cells are destroyed. Eventually, your body will metabolize the deoxycholic acid and the process of the treatment will be complete. 

How Many Kybella Treatments Will You Need? 

The number of Kybella treatments you will have is based on the results you achieve and how much fat reduction you want. If you want more than a 25% reduction of fat, you can invest in more than one treatment. A majority of our patients schedule at least 2 sessions and it is common to need more. You can have up to 6 treatments of Kybella.  

Are Kybella Treatments Permanent? 

Kybella for double chin is a permanent treatment. Fat cells that are destroyed by deoxycholic acid can never grow back. However, Kybella will not destroy 100% of the fat cells in the chin area. The cells that remain can still expand. Once you have undergone Kybella injections, we recommend staying at a healthy weight. If you do gain weight, the remaining fat cells may become visible again.  

What Are Some of the Benefits of Kybella Treatments? 

Kybella Is A Non-Invasive Procedure

Surgery plays an important role in aesthetics and is the right choice for many people who want dramatic results. However, not all of our patients are looking for surgical options. While submental liposuction can be a right for some cases, we love having a non-invasive and surgery-free option. Because Kybella is non-surgical, you will be in our office for a much shorter time. 

Kybella is a Customizable Treatment

Everyone is unique and submental fat manifests differently in each patient that we treat. With Kybella, we are able to target the fat in a customized way that creates a pleasing result for your face shape. To help us achieve consistent results, we use the Kybella grid which gives us a template that we can build on.   

Kybella Injectors Are Specially Trained

Kybella can only be injected by medical personnel who have been trained by Kybella. This training is comprehensive and makes Kybella treatments much safer and more predictable. Kybella has been specially formulated for use in the submental area. With this product, you are getting a treatment that has been studied and tested specifically for treating the double chin. 

Kybella Can Have Mild Skin Tightening Effects

While Kybella is not a skin-tightening treatment, many people find that their skin also tightens in the area as the fat cells are destroyed. Individuals who have skin that is fairly elastic will likely find that their skin contracts as the area is treated. If you have more skin laxity in the area, you can talk to us about other treatments that can be used to help tighten the skin in your neck and jowls. We offer many of these treatments in our clinic.  

Consultations in Bethesda, MD for Kybella

If Kybella for double chins sounds like the service that you have been looking for to help melt away your submental fat, it is easy to get more information about this treatment. At Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery, we always have time to sit down with you and discuss our treatments. You can schedule a consultation in Bethesda, MD by calling our office or filling out an online form.  

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