Do you feel that the shape, size, or structure of your nose could be improved? The alignment or look of your nose can affect the way you feel about your face, as well as inhibit your breathing. This is why rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery in McClean, VA, offers rhinoplasty procedures to help clients reach their aesthetic and health-related goals. Learn more about rhinoplasty nose surgery in the guide below.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgical procedure that can create a more flattering nasal structure. During rhinoplasty, the bones and cartilage of the nose are altered to correct any aesthetic issues or congenital abnormalities. Rhinoplasty can also help patients who are struggling with certain breathing difficulties caused by their nose structure.

Why Do Patients Seek Rhinoplasty? 

Rhinoplasty can resolve many of the most common concerns that people have with their nasal structure. Most clients who seek rhinoplasty are looking to correct aesthetic concerns, which may include the following:Prominent bump on the bridgeElongated nasal tipAsymmetry of the nostrilsNostrils that are too large or too smallCrooked bridge or tipWhile many people seek rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons, some patients need a rhinoplasty procedure to alleviate breathing issues. This option works for patients who have a deviated septum, which can make breathing more difficult.

A Breakdown of the Rhinoplasty Process

Are you interested in having nose surgery? Before seeking any new plastic surgical procedure, it’s good to know what you can expect during the process. The following is a breakdown of everything that rhinoplasty involves.


Prior to scheduling your rhinoplasty procedure, you must have a consultation with a plastic surgeon. We need to assess your current nasal structure to determine whether rhinoplasty is the best option for you. Some patients may benefit from a different nose surgery or no surgery at all. The only way to confirm that rhinoplasty is right for you is to have a comprehensive consultation.During your consultation, we will evaluate your nasal bridge, tip, nostrils, and internal nasal structure. We will also discuss your desired outcome and review before-and-after photos of previous patients. You must bring a complete medical history to your consultation so that we can check for any health concerns that would contraindicate rhinoplasty.If your consultation appointment confirms that you’re a good candidate for rhinoplasty, we will begin designing your unique treatment plan. You will be able to schedule a date for your surgery and start to prepare. Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia, so you will need to receive complete medical clearance from a regular physician. This will involve blood panels and a physical examination. Your medical clearance should be obtained in the two to three weeks leading up to your procedure.The night before your surgery, you will be asked to abstain from eating or drinking anything other than water. This is required for anyone going under general anesthesia. 


During your nose surgery, you will be completely asleep. Our surgeon will begin the procedure by making small incisions either on the outside of the nose or inside the nasal passages. When incisions are made on the exterior of the nose, it’s called “open rhinoplasty.” If incisions are made only on the interior of the nose, it’s called “closed rhinoplasty.” Whether you receive an open or closed rhinoplasty will depend on the issues being corrected and your desired aesthetic goals.Once the appropriate incisions have been made, the bones and cartilage will be amended to meet your needs. This may involve creating a more sloped bridge or adding or repositioning cartilage to adjust the nasal tip. The changes made by the surgeon will depend on your current nasal structure and the outcome you’re looking for.For patients with a deviated septum, a septoplasty can be performed during the procedure. This additional step involves correcting the position and alignment of the septum to allow for easier breathing.Your rhinoplasty procedure can take anywhere from two to four hours, depending on your anatomical structure. Every patient has a unique nasal structure and different aesthetic goals. If your needs are more extensive, your surgery may take longer.


When your nose surgery is complete, you will spend about an hour being monitored in our surgical aftercare center. Once you are fully awake, you will be able to return home. There will be nasal packing in place, including an external bandage and possibly a splint. This is all to provide extra support, as the tissue in your nasal structure will be vulnerable during this time. The bandages and splint will stay in place for about one week before they can be removed. You will need to avoid any activity that could cause trauma to the nose for about four to six weeks. Patients typically see the final outcome of their rhinoplasty about two to three months after the procedure. During this time, the nasal tissue can fully settle into its new position and any potential swelling can subside.

Rhinoplasty at Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery

If you’re considering changing the appearance of your nose or struggling with a deviated septum, rhinoplasty could be the best treatment for you. Rhinoplasty amends the bones and cartilage in the nose to create a more symmetrical appearance or resolve certain breathing issues. Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery performs rhinoplasty procedures for clients in and around McClean, VA. Give us a call today to schedule a rhinoplasty consultation with one of our dedicated cosmetic providers.

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